Tracing Realities: An Interactive Drawing Workshop
Embark on a transformative experience inspired by Jan Švankmajer’s Alice (1988). Through guided drawing with visual artist Jen, engage in the practice of tracing — from intricate map data to surreal illustrations inspired by the film’s unique style. This hands-on workshop invites participants to merge artistic interpretation with data tracing, uncovering new layers of perception and space.
Date: November 21, 2024
Venue: A Space N Time (formerly Tchai-Ovna, Glasgow)
The venue has undergone a remarkable transformation—from a charming Czech-inspired tea shop to a contemporary CBD den. This evolution mirrors the themes of transition and duality explored in Švankmajer’s work, offering a layered backdrop for an evening dedicated to exploring altered states of reality and space.
Join us?
Tickets: FREE BUT RSVP to nightvisionprocess@gmail.com with your DRM free screenshot HERE.
Workshop Tools
Enhance your workshop experience with our exclusive tools:
Digital Crook Alice Map Video Overlay Venue Visualisation Broken Clock Tool Weird Mistake Tool