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Night Vision Process - Atman/Anatman

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Atman Business Model™️

This document expands on The Night Vision Process, a unique initiative merging passive cultural consumption with active exploration. While the main pitch delves into the philosophical and artistic foundations, here I unravel the intricate business model underpinning the concept.

The Night Vision Process™️: Atman Business Model™️

What it looks like, a Night Vision physical-to-metaphysical business perpetual motion process:

As a centrepiece for the launch of Night Vision, this is both a visual representation of the merging of perspectives via the dual hindsight Process and a representation of the business model.

Night Vision 1987

I plan to recreate the satanic scene videotaped in the opening scene of the film Night Vision 1987. My idea is to create a visual and physical representation of the core concepts The Night Vision Process™️ is using. The Atman visualisation will represent the 48 artists contributing their perspectives to the Night Vision Process Night Reports (as mentioned in the Night Vision pitch)

I will do this using a filming technique inspired by the 1975 experimental film Atman. Atman employs 48 angled shots around a central subject, each with 10 zooms, using Noh theatre techniques and principles of acceleration to create a dynamic 360 degrees visual representation, kind of like an in motion Bullet Time effect.

1975 Atman Storyboard/Diagram

This is the 1975 Atman storyboard/diagram.

Through this, I aim to use panning and zooming as metaphors for time and space, in sync with the Night Vision Process’s core themes.

By inviting collaborating artists to bring their cameras for the shoot and launch, we foster a sense of ownership and representation of their unique viewpoints. This approach, true to the essence of Night Vision, promotes artistic collaboration and an ever-evolving visual narrative.

In this film project, 48 participants employ panning and zooming to infuse spatial visuals with a temporal essence. Through the fusion of these diverse perspectives through the editing technique in Atman 1975, the concepts of the Night Vision Process evolve into a narrative that moves beyond the present, hinting at a collective future vision through a unique process. Each contributor holds an equal stake in this project, their singular viewpoints merging to reveal a collective foresight.

Decentralised Business Model

I want each of the Night Vision Process perspectives and angles to represent a business share in the project and business as a whole. With 48 shares total. Ideally, artists will share their remaining nine zooms with peers over time. Encouraging sharing via collaboration. This decentralised business model would be democratically run via the diverse perspective shareholders.

The film representation serves as a tangible demonstration to the project’s commitment to equal participation and shared ownership, celebrating diversity and unity in the process of collective creation. The business model acts as a unique entity. A perpetual motion engine powered by diverse perspectives on the past with hindsight.


The central subject, the satanic ritual from Night Vision 1987 stands as a symbolic event that predicts the future. By filming it through multiple angles and perspectives, the Atman shoot represents the multitude of ways one can interpret or foresee an event. Each artist providing their own camera further emphasises the individuality of perspectives, each one unique yet part of the collective vision. The gradual delegation of zooms to other artists symbolises the ever-evolving nature of perspective and the collaborative process of cultural interpretation. In essence, the shoot is a visual manifestation of the project’s core themes: dual perspectives, the interplay between past and future, and the multifaceted nature of cultural understanding.

In the complex tapestry of the Night Vision project, the incorporation of the Atman shoot serves as a crucial thread that weaves together the project’s multifaceted themes: the soul (Atman), duality, perspective, and even its unique approach to business practice. By employing a filming technique that consists of 48 angled shots around a central subject, each with 10 zooms, the Atman shoot mirrors the philosophical concept of Atman—the inner self or soul in Hindu tradition. Just as Atman is the core essence that underlies manifold forms and names, The Night Vision Process project taps into this unified but diverse essence by capturing multiple perspectives.

This method hopefully not only visually demonstrates the philosophical undertone of duality but also opens up a revolutionary business model. Instead of a central authority, each participant’s perspective becomes a share in the business venture. The very act of capturing their viewpoint turns into a form of collective ownership, instilling in each artist a stake in both the creative and financial outcomes. Run in a collective democracy.

In essence, the Atman shoot functions as the soul of the project, tying the philosophical, artistic, and economic elements into a unified yet diverse experience. The monetization strategy aims to reflect this, serving as an extension of the project's complex layers. It doesn't just fund the project; it becomes a part of its narrative and themes.

Extra details (and Anatman)

Monetization Plan for launch

Direct Revenue Streams:

For the launch event. ZERO. I'm going to make it my goal to not make this ticket-a-ble or merch driven. I want it to be about the process not the event.

Direct revenue for Night Vision in a separate doc but free access to all for location but, video store, maps, merch, posters etc.

Indirect Revenue Streams for Atman:

Deeper Philosophical Relevance and Visualization

Title: Bridging Atman and Anatman: A Cultural Odyssey through the Night Vision Process™️

The Night Vision Process™️ embarks on a pioneering journey to intertwine the philosophical doctrines of Atman and Anatman with the diverse tapestry of cultural exploration. At the heart of this innovative venture lies a unique filming technique inspired by the 1975 experimental film "Atman". This technique, characterised by capturing 48 angled shots around a central subject, each with 10 zooms, serves as a visual metaphor for the multifaceted exploration of self and not-self within a cultural framework.

1. Atman (Self):

The notion of Atman, rooted in Hinduism, symbolizes the eternal, unchanging self or soul. In the context of the Night Vision Process™️, Atman finds a symbolic representation in the individualistic perspectives and unique viewpoints of artists and participants. Their personal interpretations of culture reflect an "inner essence" akin to the philosophical essence of Atman.

2. Anatman (Not-Self):

Contrasting Atman, Buddhism's Anatman (or Anatta) negates the permanence of self, underlining the impermanence and interconnectedness of all phenomena. This concept resonates with the collaborative and fluid nature of the project, where diverse cultural perspectives merge and evolve. The dynamic interplay of individual viewpoints and the collective vision echoes the essence of Anatman, highlighting the fluidity and impermanence of cultural interpretation.

3. Culture as a Lens:

Culture, in this endeavor, unfolds as the lens through which participants delve into the discourse of self and not-self. It reflects the ever-changing, dynamic nature of human experiences and interpretations, embodying the principles of Anatman through the continuous exploration of diverse cultural narratives.

4. Collective Vision:

The aspiration for a collective vision in the Night Vision Process™️ mirrors the Buddhist emphasis on collective enlightenment and the dissolution of self. The project's innovative approach, emphasizing collective foresight and shared ownership, aligns with the dissolution of the illusion of a separate self, resonating with the core tenets of Anatman.

5. Cinematic Exploration:

The innovative filming technique not only visually encapsulates the philosophical underpinning of Atman and Anatman but also fosters a tangible dialogue between these concepts and the intricacies of cultural understanding and interpretation. The cinematic exploration offers a visual narrative that transcends the conventional boundaries of philosophical discourse, creating a vibrant interface for engaging with profound existential concepts within a contemporary cultural context.

The Night Vision Process™️, through its Atman Business Model™️, crafts a rich narrative that seamlessly melds philosophical inquiry, cultural exploration, and visual narrative. By doing so, it invites participants into a dynamic, collaborative odyssey that challenges and enriches the conventional understanding of self, not-self, and the myriad ways in which culture shapes and is shaped by these profound philosophical concepts. Through this innovative lens, the project emerges as a groundbreaking venture that not only explores but also visually embodies the complex dance between philosophy, culture, and individual and collective identities.

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