The Night Vision Doctrine

Core Beliefs

Duality: The universe is fundamentally dualistic, composed of contrasting forces that create balance and harmony. This duality is mirrored in every aspect of existence, from the physical world to human nature and perception. Understanding and embracing duality leads to enlightenment and a deeper connection with the cosmos.

Access: Spiritual access is not limited by physical boundaries but can be achieved through the exploration of culture, history, and the natural world. This religion believes in the democratization of spiritual experiences, advocating for open access to sacred knowledge and spaces, both physical and metaphysical.

Perception: Reality is subjective, shaped by individual perceptions. The Doctrine holds that truth can be discovered through the cultivation of multiple perspectives, encouraging followers to engage with the world through both analytical critique and intuitive exploration.


Film Analysis as Meditation: Viewing and analyzing films is a form of meditation that offers insights into the duality of existence and the complexity of human perception. Films, especially those that challenge conventional narratives, are considered sacred texts that can reveal universal truths.

Explorative Pilgrimages: Followers are encouraged to undertake physical journeys through culturally and historically significant landscapes. These pilgrimages are both literal and metaphorical, representing the quest for knowledge and the exploration of internal landscapes.

Rituals of Perspective: Ceremonies involve the sharing of different viewpoints to celebrate the multifaceted nature of truth. These rituals may include discussions, debates, and artistic expressions that highlight the diversity of human experience and perception.

Community Structure

Collective Governance: The community is governed by a council of elders, each representing different aspects of duality, access, and perception. Leadership is rotational and based on the principle of shared authority and responsibility.

Shared Ownership: Property and resources are collectively owned, reflecting the belief in equitable access to material and spiritual goods. The economy of the community is based on principles of fairness, sustainability, and mutual support.

Artistic Collaboration: Art, especially film and explorative walks, is central to the community's spiritual practice. Members are encouraged to collaborate on artistic projects that explore the religion's core themes, fostering a culture of creativity and shared insight.

Ethical Guidelines

Respect for Duality: Acknowledge and respect the dual nature of all things. Seek balance in personal actions and community decisions.

Inclusivity and Accessibility: Ensure that spiritual and community resources are accessible to all, promoting inclusivity and equity.

Cultivation of Multiple Perspectives: Encourage the exploration of diverse viewpoints and the continuous questioning of established truths.

Sacred Texts

The Night Visions: A collection of writings, film analyses, and philosophical treatises that explore the themes of duality, access, and perception.

The Pathways of Pilgrimage: Guides to sacred journeys, detailing the spiritual significance of various landscapes and the lessons they offer.